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Technical Assistance for Improvement of Performance-Based Tariff Regulation of EMRA for Turkish Energy Markets through Introducing an Enhanced Monitoring System

2019-2020, EuropeAid/139125/IH/SER/TR Beneficiary: EMRA Subcontracted by Hulla & Co Human Dynamics GmbH & Co KG t

The overall objective of the project is to improve the functioning of electricity and natural gas markets of Türkiye in line with EU requirements.

Specifically, it is aimed to improve the capacity of Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EMRA) by developing a performance-based tariff regulation for Turkish energy markets and introducing an enhanced monitoring system.

In this respect, the Contractor will provide services such as trainings, workshops, study visits under following headings:

  • Improvement of performance-based tariff setting for transmission and distribution system operations at Turkish electricity and natural gas markets,
  • Improvement of energy market monitoring system that will enhance monitoring for Turkish electricity and natural gas markets,
  • Incorporating incentive mechanism into tariff structure to enhance innovation capabilities of regulated entities in electricity and natural gas markets,
  • Preparation of smart grid road map and required methodological tariff approaches for electricity and natural gas markets,
  • Preparation of vulnerable consumers action plan and social tariff methodology in electricity and natural gas markets,
  • Preparation of regulatory measures and tariff structure for Supplier of Last Resort (SoLR) in Turkish electricity and natural gas markets,
  • Increasing institutional capacity of EMRA for handling customer complaints and incorporate its outputs into tariff calculations.